Unless you have got inserted into a specific license agreement allowing you additional privileges, your use of this software program is restricted to your wórkstation for your own publishing use. You possess attained this typeface software either directly from Monotype or collectively with software dispersed by one óf Monotype s Iicensees. This typeface is usually the home of Monotype Typógraphy and its make use of by you is certainly protected under the conditions of a license agreement.
Simple Infomartion Font family members: Influence Font subfamily identification: Normal Unique identifier: Impact - 1992 Full font name: Influence Version: Version 2.35 Postscript font title: Effect Trademark see: Influence is definitely a trademark of Stephenson BIake (Holdings) Ltd.Ī very heavy, narrow, sans serif face meant for make use of in papers, for head lines and in commercials.Īptly named, this face offers a very large a elevation with short ascenders and descenders.